Domino, or dominoes, are a popular toy that many children enjoy stacking on end in long lines and then knocking them over. This is a great way to practice motor skills while also learning how to follow a sequence of events. But did you know that these numbered pieces can actually be used to play a whole host of games? In this Wonder of the Day, we take a look at some of the most popular ways to use domino, and how it’s possible to line them up in complex shapes that are more than just a simple straight or curved line.
Western dominoes are typically made with rectangular tiles, each bearing a number of spots (or “pips”) along one edge. The pips are normally in the form of dots, but sometimes they can be blank or have other patterns. The pips on the side of a domino can be used to represent numbers, letters, or other symbols. They can also have different colors on each side, adding to the visual appeal of a set.
The first dominoes appeared in the mid-18th century. They were originally called bones, cards, or men, but the name Domino was later adopted to honor a French priest named Alexandre-François Lemaire de Saint-Omer (1750-1824). In this sense of the word, it may have referred to a cape worn by a priest over his surplice.
A typical domino set has 21 rectangular tiles, each with six pips on each end. Larger sets can be obtained by combining the dominoes with other rectangular pieces, such as the “double-nine” or the “double-12.” These larger sets can be used for even more complicated games than those with the standard 21-piece set.
In general, each domino has a small amount of inertia, meaning it will resist movement until something pushes against it. When the first domino is pushed, it causes the next piece to fall over, and then the rest of the row. This is why it’s important to place the first domino in a strategic location!
When it comes to our own lives, the concept of domino is a powerful one. Often, when you make a change to your routine or habits, this will trigger a chain reaction that can affect other areas of your life as well. For example, when Admiral William H. McRaven started making his bed each morning, he was able to maintain a better overall home environment because of the habit.
The same principle can be applied to the business world. For example, when Domino’s began to focus on speed of delivery, this led to the introduction of their 30-minute guarantee in 1984. Although this was an effective strategy to distinguish themselves from competitors, it eventually led to dangerous conditions for Domino’s drivers, including a number of accidents that resulted in injuries and even fatalities. This ultimately lead to Domino’s phasing out the guarantee in 1993. In the years since, Domino’s has worked to improve driver safety through training and technology.